We have reached a tentative agreement with CCSD. Below is a summary of that agreement. The agreement in its entirety is attached to this email. We are still working out the details of the funding from SB231.
Retroactive to July 1, 2023
Article 8 Increase in POA hours from 800 to 1,000
Article 12 personal days shall be granted regardless of sick leave usage
Article 14 increase military leave from 10 to 50 days for local emergencies
Article 21 increase in pay to all members
- 16% increase in pay to all officers
- 18% increase in pay to all detectives
- 22% increase in pay to all sergeants
Article 21-1 removes the five year employment requirement to receive intermediate and advanced post pay
Article 21-4 adds Enduro officer and removes limitations on evidence officer
Article 21-5 adds certain Bachelors and Masters degrees to higher education incentive
Article 22-1-1 increase in contribution to health insurance
Article 27-2 changes to solidify shift bid language
Article 35 changes to progressive discipline
Article 36 adds $100 for motorcycle boots
Article 42 creates promotional process for sergeants
*In addition, we already received 3% towards our PERS and 15% towards health insurance
The approximate total value of year one of the CBA is 21%
Beginning July 1, 2024
SB231 Funds the details of SB231 are still being worked out any money received will be in addition to the things mentioned above.
Article 21 COLA 3%
Article 22-1-1 CCSD contribution of 5% towards health insurance
- The total potential increase to health insurance is unknown at this time; final numbers should be available by September 2024.
SB231 Funds
On 2/14/2024, we reached an agreement with CCSD on the distribution of SB231 funds, due to the complexity of the law and the possible expiration of funds in 2025 we agreed to the following:
- 4.12% increase to your base hourly rate beginning July 1, 2024 and is PERSable.
The 4.12% will be based on whatever your individual hourly rate is, inclusive of ADP and or Intermediate/Advanced Post pay.
Example Hourly rate of a topped out officer with ADP and Post Pay $55.57
§ $55.57 X 80 hours (one pay period) = $4,445.68 X 4.12% (SB231) = $183.16
§ There will be a line on your paycheck labeled SB231 in the amount of $183.16